Now booking limited services.

Grain Weevil is now offering limited services to producers who want to keep their boots out of the grain this growing season. While we complete our robot development and production, our services will enable you to take advantage of the Grain Weevil benefits before you can own one of your own. Whether it’s after harvest leveling, crust break ups or stirring the grain, our service team is ready to help. Reach out to us today to get your service scheduled!
Fill out the Form Below

Get us your contact information
to get your name on the waiting list.

Share your Farm Details

Fill out the customer survey to provide
additional details.

If Selected, a Grain Weevil Team
Will Come Manage your Bin

At the current time, Grain Weevil cannot guarantee that all requests can be selected as we grow our service opportunities.

Doing the Work No Human Should.


1.  Leveling
2. Breaking up Crusts and Bridges
3. Plugged Sump? Level to a Side Draw
4. Extraction help